Thursday, September 15, 2011

Autumn Fever

For the past few weeks, I've been pretty much obsessed with Autumn.  While waiting for it to arrive, it's very easy to idealize the season.  Even though I don't typically read fashion articles, I'm finding myself clicking on titles like "6 Must-Haves for Fall" just because the season is in the title!  Well, in exploring my blog (and the internet at large), I've come up with the Top Ten Reasons I am currently obsessed.  Without further ado:

10. TV Shows - Umm, Modern Family returns.  And, Law & Order: SVU will be back on with it's gazillionth season...which means new episodes.  Since I've seen EVERY episode but one, I think, this seems wonderful. Of course, I love some medical drama, 20/20 Friday (I've been watching since I was 11!), and now the Office, too!  I'm also interested to catch the premieres of a few new shows (Pan Am, Once Upon a Time, Up All Night) to see if they are any good.

9. Produce - Really fun stuff grows, or I guess ripens, in the fall.  My wives' club has a trip to a corn maze/pumpkin patch planned in a few weeks.  Every year Devin and I have carved a pumpkin.  He's already talking about what it should look like this year.  I also want to try to make pumpkin pancakes...again.  Also, apples may be my favorite fruit.  I love when they are on sale and I get to eat an apple that I can declare THE BEST APPLE EVER every single night!

8. Leaves - I love the colors of fall.  I remember living in PA as a small child and loving to watch the leaves as we drove a very scenic route home from church every Sunday.  When we moved back east to WV, it was during October.  I remember feeling so dizzy every time we were in the car--not from the winding roads but from the hillside glowing like fire.  Last October, the color on the trees was one of the more comforting, reassuring parts about the trip north Devin and I took.  This year, I'm hoping to maybe make it to Morgantown for a football weekend!!

7. Food - Even aside from the gorge fests that are the holidays, autumn is full of good eating.  It's a season for soups, chili, warm bread, and hot breakfasts.  As much as I love salads and sandwiches and stuff that's cooked on the store (so as not to heat the house), I love the cozy foods that come from the oven and crock-pot as well.  I also love hot cocoa, herb tea, cider, and wassail.  Desserts will be more baking and less freezing.  There are few things in life more comforting than warm, fresh chocolate chip cookies on a Sunday evening.  Now I'm really hungry...sigh.

6. Smells - Everywhere you go, there are smells of cinnamon and apple and pumpkin and cranberry and maple and nuts. It's intoxicating.  We bought a cinnamon broom this past weekend.  It's making our kitchen smell wonderful.  Unfortunately, we can't take the plastic off and put it anywhere yet, because the smell is still too strong.  My eyes water if I get too close to it right now.

5. Savings - Devin's in medical school, which pretty much means we budget our little hearts out.  So, it's tons of fun to open the electric bill and have it be low and then open the gas bill and have it still be low because we aren't using our heater or our air conditioning.  Of course, we then try to see how long we can go without the heat by piling extra blankets on the bed but then when I'm freezing and miserable in the mornings we finally give we should.

4. College Football - This gives me a constant pastime and internet distraction for several months straight.  I love to watch the games, but I also love to read the analyses (is that the plural form?) after the game.  An article about why my team is poised for an undefeated season will make me smile before I even finish reading the headline.  Also, the first time I ever talked with Devin, we discussed football.  We fell in love during football season.  We watch the games together now and reminisce. (Or, he "listens" to me talk about all our football memories without complaint.)

3. Pants - Seriously, I miss them.  I spend all summer wearing skirts and dresses to work.  I wear shorts when I get home.  But, I really like jeans--with a tee shirt, or flannel top, or sweater.  Also, switching to my dress slacks and cords for work will be nice.  Evenings will be cozier with sweats or gym pants.

2. Holidays - We made a pretty good showing of Halloween last year and the year before.  We've already started checking for candy on sale, and have been debating our costumes.  Any suggestions are definitely welcome.  I also can't not mention Thanksgiving.  Just the thought of sweet potatoes and green beans and stuffing makes me warm and happy inside.  I appreciate that it's a laid back, relaxing holiday more about food and time with family than anything else.

1. Being Outdoors - For the past couple months, it's been too hot to be outside pretty much at all unless you were in water.  Even in the middle of the night it was sweltering hot and humid.  With the cooler temperatures, though, there will be more walks, porch swing talks, and trips to the dog park.  I'd really like to get some fall camping in (especially since our trip this summer was rained out), but I don't think Devin's schedule will allow that.  Mostly though, I just want to make sure I appreciate the beautiful weather because it'll be gone before I know it.

Does anyone else have autumn fever?  Did I forget anything important on this list?

1 comment:

  1. You pretty much hit all the high points of fall! You DID forget to mention that hair ALMOST always looks better in the fall! No humidity makes for a lot of good hair days!
