Thursday, March 24, 2011

Running Buddies

I am love, love, loving that it is spring!!  We have returned to our porch swing talks and evening walks.  Maximus is now doing wonderfully on his leash.  So well, in fact, that we decided to take him running for the first time yesterday!  It was our first run since the race, and we knew after 18 days off that it wouldn't be too intense.  Both Blue and Max were fantastic runners, though!  Max clearly preferred the downhill, while Blue relished the faster pace the whole time.  But, I think we will be surprised with Max being a better partner than we thought.

After the run, we rewarded them with ice cubes and peanut butter flavored rawhide.  Max was so excited about his rawhide that he tossed it all over the living room for several minutes.  Then, he jumped up on the Foof chair to roll all over it for several more minutes.  It was hilarious and adorable all at the same time.  Of course, he ended up in a tangled mess from pulling off the chair cover in the process.

So, Max eventually decided to hop off and actually chew on the rawhide next to Blue.  It's so cute to watch them together, but much more difficult to photograph them together.  I was very happy to get this adorable picture.  In other news, max is now on a regular dog bed at night alongside Blue's bed.  At some point in the night, they usually end up sharing a bed and melting my heart when I wake up to see them together.  We really did get lucky with two wonderful little boys!

1 comment:

  1. That's funny because Slurpee sometimes does the same with her treats. She'll toss them around, play with them, roll on them, and then finally start to eat them! She's not a very good runner though, so you lucked out there! She's either pulling me, or I'm dragging her away from some fascinating smell.
