Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In case you were hungry...

Apparently, a New Yourk City artisit and photographer named Sarah Davies has won a bet...big time.  She argued with a friend who believed that any burger would rot, mold, or otherwise begin to decompose after being left out for 2 or 3 days.  She claimed to have known a teacher who kept the same McDonald's burger for 12 years at room temperature.  Now, more than 6 months later, she has won the bet.  And that's just kind of gross.  If I already didn't eat food from there (see: terrible issues after being assigned to read Fast Food Nation), I wouldn't eat there any more.  Of course, if this was consumed on Day One, it still might taste okay...maybe...
To see an interview with Davies, click here
To see a slideshow of the "journey," click here.


  1. I already hated McDonald's...now I have a legitimate reason to never eat there again. Gross! Gross! Gross!

  2. I stopped eating fast food after watching Super Size Me. This only confirms that. Ulg.
