Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Boys

Here's a little cuteness with my boys.  Max is teething and a little more vocal right now.  This was just too adorable to keep it to myself.
While Max was having his little freak-out, Blue calmly continued to chew on his chicken rawhide.  He is looking so good in his brand new collar.
For a little more cuteness, here is Max trying to get Blue to play in the backyard.  Blue was more interested in taking care of some business first.
Also, here is Max after a meal and a lot of water.  His belly gets so big and round every time.  It has to be one of my favorite things about the puppy stage.


  1. I love Max's little howls. They are adorable! :)

  2. I LOVE how big Max's little belly gets! Too cute! Your "boys" are adorable sister! I can't wait to see a pic of them side by side when Max is grown! Love ya! :)
