Monday, January 10, 2011

Running Gear

We are snowed in here in Augusta, GA.  I was really excited about getting a day off work, especially since Devin was off as well.  We woke up, watched our dogs play in the snow, and had hot cocoa for breakfast.  I thought the day was going to be awesome.  Then, there was an email fiasco over whether or not Devin's test would be given tomorrow still.  He decided he had better spend much of the day getting ready for it, just in case.  So, it hasn't been as fun as we thought originally, and I'm now getting cabin fever.  Is it possible to get that in one day?  I'll be missing my run this evening (which genuinely makes me sad), so here's a little update on some awesome new gear I got last week.

Since the summer of 2006, I have been running in these trusty Adidas Response TR Xs.  They were marketed to be great for trail running, and were awesome as I liked running on dirt roads.  However, they've seen better days.  With my half marathon approaching, it was time to get into some new shoes.
For Christmas, my in-laws gave me some money towards a new pair of shoes.  I went to an awesome store, Fleet Feet, to be fitted and get ones best for me.  I am now running in Brooks Adrenaline GTS 11s.  Now, I have learned a lot about running shoes and realize how perfect these are for me.
The salesman (who also runs cross country for Augusta State) insisted I wear a pair of their socks while trying on my shoes.  Then, he told me to wear the shoes out and keep the socks for free!  I enjoyed running in these and now wish I had more than one pair so that I could run in them more often.
Then, while I checked out, he tossed in a Pedometer...never really explaining why I got one of these.  I have yet to try it, but it's programmable!
This past weekend, I hit five miles!  Less than eight weeks to go until our big race...hopefully I can get back on track with my training schedule tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I admire you. All that running sounds like torture to me. My work had a pedometer challenge, so I got one and love wearing it. It was a sad day when I lost it. Have fun with yours. :)
