Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Another 3 Day Weekend

For the third weekend in a row, I had three days off.  Really, I have no idea how I ended up being so lucky, but it will make a full week next week rather tough.  Each of these weekends has been wonderful--dinner with friends, sleeping in, time with my husband and dogs.  But, this was has to have been my favorite.  A quick recap:

Friday, Devin and I went on a long planned date.  Since we started dating, we have shared a love for the comedian Brian Regan.  In fact, I think it was one of the things we discussed during the first and only facebook chat we ever had.  When we learned that he would be performing in Augusta, we knew we had to go.  So, after a fun hibatchi dinner, we parked 5 or 6 blocks from the Bell Auditorium.  After regularly walking 30 plus minutes to a Georgia game, we didn't expect there would be anything closer.  But, we were in Augusta's downtown, not Athen's, and passed about 387 spots on our way there.  Once we had warmed up again, it was an awesome show.  Brian's brother Dennis went on first.  All told, it was nearly a 2 hour show.  And, we never went more than a few breaths without laughing.  I would pay to see him again.  And again. And again.

Saturday, I had hit the 6 mile run point in my half marathon training.  This was done on a treadmill because it was just a little too windy for me to run outside.  I'm hoping the next couple weeks bring some nicer weather so that I can do more outdoor runs.  I also need to learn to eat better before a run.  After consulting with Devin on what a good breakfast one hour pre-run would be, I ate a pudding cup...and that's all.  Somewhere between mile 4 and 5, I ran out of energy.  I still improved my pace over my last long run, but it was a little longer than I wanted in to be.  Afterwards though, we went to Subway.  This is our favorite post run meal because their soda fountain has blue powerade--my favorite.  The rest of the day was spent relaxing and playing with our dogs.  I wore sweat pants all day.

Sunday, we of course went to church.  Afterwards, we ate an oven pizza for dinner and watched a movie.  Then, I got completely caught up on our laundry and organized our "junk drawer" in our coffee table.  I also took a bubble bath.

Monday, we were super productive.  We assembled the new attachment on Devin's grill, went shopping, and made food for dinner with friends.  I also decided that our spare room needed reorganized and spent a couple hours doing that.  All the extra boxes we've had around the house were broken down for recycling, and our Christmas decorations and another bin were moved up into the attic (which Devin rearranged yesterday as well).  I also got our storage closet reorganized..  And, we did a pretty thorough cleaning on our whole house.  All of this we before a fun dinner with friends!

This really was an awesome weekend.  Of course, I told myself to take pictures of all of it, but here's pretty much the only one I got.  Sorry!  I hope you all had just as great a weekend as me!

1 comment:

  1. How awesome that you got to see Brian Regan--he cracks me up. And way to go on the 6-miler! We miss you guys but hope all is well with life in Augusta. Sounds like it!
