Sunday, January 23, 2011

You know you're a runner if...

* You plan your Friday Date Night dinner around how long your run will be on Saturday.

* You can legitimately debate the difference between Gu Energey Gel, Clif Shot Gel, and Powerbar Gel.  As a bonus, you may also be able to debate Gu Chomps or Clif Bloks.

* You spend the rest of the day after a long run counting your calories in a good way.  i.e. "If we go ahead and order some Papa John's, that will finally get us out of the whole put us in positive calories for the day."

* You have purple toenails.  Even if you keep you nails short...and then bought new new shoes...and then clipped the nails shorter...and then tried to file them even shorter.  Then, you gave up and accepted the color.

* You have tried lacing your shoes at least three different wys to attempt to relieve a pressure spot on the top of your foot.

* You have completed an 8 mile run and was able to manage at least half of a smile afterwards!
I love that I can finally call myself a runner!


  1. You continue to amaze me... How did I end up with sisters that are runners? Somehow that gene didn't get into my genetic makeup. I wish I could be there to cheer you on for the race day.

    Now I have a new do enough physical exercise one day that I'll count positive calories. :)

  2. Good for you sister! I can't believe amazing of a runner you're becoming! 8 miles... incredible! Love you! :)
