Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One Week

In one week I get my husband back.  Where is he you ask?  He right here, in the house.  Only, he spends all his time locked in the spare bedroom.  He studies, studies, and studies some more.  Step One is officially seven days away.  A couple weeks ago, studying was fun.  Unfortunately, those days are no more.  I get to see my husband for about 10 minutes in the morning, long enough for dinner in the evening, a couple minutes right before I go to sleep, and a groggy goodnight when he comes to bed a couple hours later.  Sigh.  I can last, right?  It's only seven more days.

On the bright side, when all of this is over, our little family of four is headed out on a nice camping trip to a beautiful spot.  We'll backpack in, have no phone reception, and we'll have days for just us.  I am SO excited.  To get me through this last week, I will be finalizing the meal plans, doing a little more shopping, and will start packing.  Hopefully, the days will just keep flying by!

1 comment:

  1. It really is so amazing how much studying they have to do. I think it is so impressive that anyone makes it through medical school.

    Have fun camping!!!!!!
