Tuesday, June 28, 2011

One Day for Narcissism

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I am 25 years old today!!! For many reasons, I have been looking forward to this birthday for quite some time.  It definitely feels more "adult" without feeling too old.  Seeing as how I've always been ahead of my age a little bit, I'm a little more than excited that maybe other people will start to see me as grown up.  I've pretty much always been the youngest person at every job I've ever had.  As a teen/college student it wasn't such a big deal.  In the professional world, though, it's not as easy.  Plus, 25 just sounds like a good age to be, so I'm happy!  In honor of me being a quarter of a century old(!!), I've decided that I will share 25 tidbits about me with all of you.  I hope you're excited, because this list has been a while in the making!

1.  I love having a summer birthday.  While I've always been the youngest, I've generally also had good weather for my day.  Summer is my favorite season, and being a Cancer is pretty cool.

2.  As a kid, I loved cats.  I skipped straight over all the caged animals to a cat as a pet.  Later, after training a Seeing Eye Dog in middle school, I definitely became much more of a dog person, as I remain today.  However, I did want to experience the caged pet phase I had never had as a young child.  At 16, I bought a gerbil and named him Gunther Geoffry (pronounced goo-ooff-ree).  He lived 2 years and was pretty cool.

3.  I am a super family oriented person.  My sisters are my best friends.  My mom and I can talk for hours.  My dad gives great advice.  My brothers are great for a laugh.  I'm very grateful that we can stay as close as we do with as far spread as we all are.  Even though it just the four of us right now, I think Devin and I are building a pretty cool little family of our own as well.

4.  My original inspiration for moving to Georgia was a poster I bought for my dorm room wall my freshman year of college.  It was beautiful.  I had lived roughly a dozen other places before and liked the idea of going to yet another new place.  Everything fell into line for grad school at UGA, so I headed south.

5.  I am named after my dad in a roundabout way.  He is Richard Leroy, and I'm Rebecca Leigh.  He used to scratch his initials into the lid of his soda cup before picking me up from kindergarten as a running joke.  I would then thank him for getting me a soda, and try to sneaks sips the whole way home.  For awhile, I used RLM2 for screen/user names online.

6.  I can remember the first time I told my Mom that I loved her.  That's pretty cool.  Sometimes I get teary just thinking about it.

7.  On that note, I am a very emotionally based person.  According to True Colors (I've taken this test a gazillion times from middle school through grad school), I am always a blue, or emotional, personality.  Usually, there's another color in close second, but Blue is typically #1.  I'm okay with that.  I just like to think I have a big heart.  Once I learned how to not cry over every sad storied person I help at work, it definitely played to my advantage.

8.  Someday I want to live on a hobby farm again.  This was a ton of fun growing up, and I'd love to have the opportunity to do it with Devin.  We'd have horses, chickens, a goat, a pig, and maybe a few other animals.  Of course, we could also end up just living on a cruise ship or in an RV in the future, too.  We probably can't do all of these, so we'll have to pick one.

9.  Until I went to college, I didn't understand football.  Shortly thereafter, though, I was explaining downs and flags and positions to all my younger siblings.  We started dressing up for the bowl games (since I was always home at Christmas) and making tailgate food.  Even now, I own waaaay too much WVU gear...and I love it!

10.  As a kid I always thought my freckles were pretty cool.  As a teen/college student, I thought they were one of my best features in the summer time.  I played them up as much as possible, especially after a sunscreen-free day on the lake or at the beach.  After a visit to a dermatologist back in February, I'm now terrified of the results of my actions.  I have serious sun damage according to the doc...yikes!  So, for the first summer ever I'm wearing SPF 45 on my face every day and hoping to stay as white as possible.

11.  Also as a kid, I was extremely cautious.  I hated being called a scaredy-cat, so that was the word I used instead.  As I got older, I fully outgrew this.  I've spent summers running roller coasters as well as a summer rock climbing and teaching a high adventure course.  I enjoy a good challenge that really gets my adrenaline flowing.

12.  I love lime.  I like to eat limes, drink limeade, devour lime fruit pops, squeeze limes all over my burritos (or add it to my water), and enjoy anything that smells like lime.  The day I realized that Orville Redenbacher made lime popcorn was a pretty awesome day.

13.  I saw the beach for the first time at 22 years old.  Granted, I was born in the Philippines--an island--so I obviously saw it sometime then, but my first real trip came just 3 summers ago with Devin's family.  Needless to say, I've seen it several times since.

14.  Jodi Picoult is my favorite author.  After reading her books for years I watched an interview with her and realized her name is pronounced Pico...very strange for me.  I love that her books explore social issues, which appeal to my social worker side.

15.  I love to use ellipsis (...) where ever possible.  They fill my texts, emails, status updates, blog posts...and just about anything else where it's appropriate.  It's just to easy and convenient.  I may actually be overdoing it...maybe...

16.  Running is fun.  It's a lot of fun actually.  But, I'm having a hard time running this summer because it is so exceedingly toasty outside.  I can't wait for it to cool down so that I can crank up the frequency again!

17.  Speaking of exceedingly, that is one of my favorite words to use.  I love it.  Devin usually makes fun of it though by starting his response to my use of it with "Yea, verily..."  I really don't think it's that biblical of a word!  Am I wrong?

18.  For years I wanted to be an orthodontist.  My senior year of high school, though, I changed my mind.  My parents and [most] of my teachers were wonderfully supportive of my decision to go into social work after discussing my reasons behind it.  It has definitely shaped who I am today more than even I probably realize.

19.  I have an obsession with naming inanimate objects.  Then, I create entire personalities for them while I'm at it.  Plants, my cars, and every single toy I ever owned has had a moniker.  Right now, I'm raising Parley P. Parsley in my kitchen window.  (Thanks Kass for helping come up with that name!)

20.  I don't have a favorite food.  There are just to many that I love to pick one.  I was once a finicky eater but will now try just about anything that is sans mushrooms.  I've even developed a taste for spicy foods!

21.  We treat our dogs like people.  I frequently talk to them in complete sentences when I am trying to get them to do something.  Blue especially is very smart and responds to this pretty well.  It makes me feel better then just commanding them to do stuff all the time.

22.  I'm a little OCD (or CDO for the alphabetical types out there).  Or, you might just call me a perfectionist.  Because of this, Devin hasn't actually folded laundry since we've been married.  He'll help with socks, but I'm too controlling to let him do anything else.  When (or should I say if?) he masters the tri-fold technique, though, we may need to reconsider this.

23.  The first website I ever visited was www.AmericanGirl.com.  This was in 6th grade and was the only web address I had ever seen before (on the back of my bimonthly subscription).  By the time it loaded, my computer time was over.  The home page looked pretty neat, though.

24.  Blue is my favorite color.  I had a sister tell me when I was little that I couldn't pick blue for my favorite because I'm a girl.  I told her that it would be my favorite color as long as my eyes were still blue.

25.  My life is wonderful, happy, and perfect.  It's not all of these things in the sense that nothing ever goes wrong because believe me...it does for sure.  But, I like to think I have a pretty good ability to roll with the punches and learn from things that happen.  If not for my experiences--good and bad--I would not be the person I am today with this life that I love.  And, I'm pretty happy with both of those.

There you have it!  I hope that after reading this list you don't find me completely bizarre.  If you do, though, I'm totally okay with that.  Have a wonderful day...I know I will!!  :]

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

He's taking his boards RIGHT NOW!!!

I just dropped Devin off at the testing center a few minutes ago.  He was told to be there by 7 am to start testing at 7:30.  Being the people we are, he was there at 6:48.  We talked ourselves out of going any earlier.  Hopefully they let him start early if he's ready.  We read through all the guidelines to make sure he followed every rule.  He went in wearing as few pockets as possible with a photo id and snacks.  He'll come out sometime after 3 pm pretty delirious but oh so glad to have it over with.  I'm stuck in a training until 5 pm today, but you can better believe we'll be celebrating tonight!  Then tomorrow, we will be headed out on a 4 day backpacking/camping trip with our boys!  Today, though, I'll be praying for Devin.  If anyone was ever ready for this test, though, it's my Babe!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Dad, My Dad's the Greatest Guy Around

I have always, always known that my dad was amazing.  He's the one who taught me to braid, ride a bike, and drive a car.  It's because of him that I learned to love the outdoors, value hard work, and appreciate the simple things in life.  I have an awesome family and a wonderful life because of his love and guidance.  I cannot even begin to express the full extent of my gratitude for my dad.  He truly is the Greatest Dad Ever!

My dad's the biggest guy,
and my dad's the strongest guy,
and my dad's the nicest guy of any guy in town.

He can do anything you want,
he'll fix your bike or fly a kite
'cause my dad, my dad's the greatest guy around. 

He can throw a ball so high you think it's gonna break the sky
He knows the name of every kind of jet---Vrooom.
He can add up any sum.
He always had money for bubble gum.

I haven't figured out how he does it yet, but
my dad's the smartest guy,
and my dad's the bravest guy,
and my dad's the neatest guy, it's positively so!

Maybe I'll introduce you, then you'll know that it's the truth;
That my dad, my dad's the greatest guy you know.
Happy Father's Day Daddy!  I love you!

Board Beard

When Devin was in undergrad, he used skip shaving during finals week.  Now that he is prepping for boards, it's pretty much been finals week times a thousand.

While he's been studying and studying, the beard has been growing and growing.

Before he goes to sleep tomorrow night, he will be shaving it all of because when he wakes up Tuesday morning, he'll be taking Step One!  While I'm excited that it's almost over, I'm actually a little said to see the facial hair go away.  It definitely grew on me as well!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One Week

In one week I get my husband back.  Where is he you ask?  He right here, in the house.  Only, he spends all his time locked in the spare bedroom.  He studies, studies, and studies some more.  Step One is officially seven days away.  A couple weeks ago, studying was fun.  Unfortunately, those days are no more.  I get to see my husband for about 10 minutes in the morning, long enough for dinner in the evening, a couple minutes right before I go to sleep, and a groggy goodnight when he comes to bed a couple hours later.  Sigh.  I can last, right?  It's only seven more days.

On the bright side, when all of this is over, our little family of four is headed out on a nice camping trip to a beautiful spot.  We'll backpack in, have no phone reception, and we'll have days for just us.  I am SO excited.  To get me through this last week, I will be finalizing the meal plans, doing a little more shopping, and will start packing.  Hopefully, the days will just keep flying by!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

For my Mo

For 5 1/2 years, my dear sweet car has been wonderful to me.  He was my first major purchase ever, and I have loved him so much!  However, he has grown from a sturdy, dapper gentlemen into a somewhat decrepit old man.  If he were a person, he'd be on a whole pile of different meds just to keep him going.  But, he is not a person.  And, it was time for him to go the way of dusty death. (Can you name the play?)  If you find me strange for personifying my car, just look through these photos, and you will see why we are so close.

Have you ever seen someone so excited to be holding a key in all your life?

Back in the day, Mo and I would drive around with that old Nokia phone and me wearing that Italian charm bracelet.  It's proof that we go waaaaaaay back.

I selected one of many pictures of me posed with Mo.  There have been many.  He was an awesome listener and knew so many of my most secret thoughts.  I loved our chats on long car rides.  He helped me realize that I loved Devin during one such drive.  Oh the memories!

Meet Zipper

Zipper is our new car.  He's a beautiful, shiny 2010 Honda Civic DX.  We love him.  But, I know he will never replace my Mo.  Maybe as we get better acquainted we'll form a similar bond.  For now, though, I'm just loving the way he handles and the fun I have behind the wheel!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Study Buddies

Yep, it's Friday night, and I'm on the blog.  Devin takes Step One in 13 days, so I'm finding lots of free time to fill right now.  We did share dinner with a friend, but Devin headed for his study room as soon as she left.  I'm now wearing my glasses and a pair of the husband's oversized shorts curled up on the couch with my lappy and 20/20 playing.  Definitely not a Date Night, but I'm okay with that.  When all is said and done, we'll spend 4 days in the mountains (out of cell phone range!!) with just us and our camping dogs

Occasionally, I do help Devin study.  Mostly, we do pharmacology because he has flashcards for this.  Lots of funny moments have come from these sessions.  Usually, they start with one of us asking, "Do you want to do drugs?"  Because it's a dumb joke, I always laugh. 

Another great moment occurred when I asked Devin something along the lines of "What drug attacks IgE?" to which he responded, "O-something-something-something-mab."  Of course, after some explanation (apparently this is the only one starting in O and ending in mab or something like that) it made more sense.  When I was sleepy and feeling a little punch drunk, though, it was pretty hilarious.

Of course, we have now started saying that, "Platinum hates the babies."  This was tied into cancer drugs but has become a nice inside joke.  However, you probably don't find it as funny because it would take too much explaining to get you on the inside of it.  But, I've documented it for me to remember in the future.

Lastly, we ended our study session one night when I asked Devin what a certain drug does, and he responded with "It makes you feel better."  It was good for giggles but bad for the tired, overworked brain.

I do want to say, I am very proud of Devin and how hard he is working to prep for this test.  I'm so grateful to him for working this hard so that he can assure us the most options possible when we're applying for residencies next year.  (Did you notice I said next year???  Crazy!!!)  He is working hard for our future, which really keeps things in perspective.  I have yet to complain about the lack of time with him (I only have to make it 13 more days!), but I sure will be glad when I all this is over!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Beach Shoot

Because I have several blog posts in my queue, I've decided to share the easy one first.  It's not hard to put the finishing touches on a quick share.  This past weekend, we were at the beach with Devin's family down near Destin, FL.  While there, we have a wonderful photographer come do family pictures.  It was a pretty fun shoot on the beach, and the girl who did the pictures was great!  The pic in this post was the preview shot of Devin and me.  Literally, there are probably thousands of pictures that we haven't seen yet.  If you would like to check out the whole preview album (or see about doing your own shoot this summer at the beach!) check out Ursula Graham Photography.  Or, the album is shared on my Facebook page! 

Btw, I love that she realized how pale we are and put us in black and white...and not anyone else!  Oh, our poor future children and their super pale future skin...