Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Prep

We leave for Parkersburg, WV to spend Christmas with my family tomorrow!!  I still have plenty on my to-do list before we can go, though.  Thankfully, Devin will be gone until tonight.  (I have found I am much more productive when he is gone!)  I have to:

   * Do 3 loads of laundry (and fold 6 total!)
   * Pack for Devin, Blue, and myself for 5 days
   * Finish wrapping a couple presents
   * Clean the house
   * Go to Target and Petsmart
   * Eat dinner (I sometimes forget this if Devin's not home)
   * Make a to-do list for Devin for tomorrow
   * Anything else I've forgotten on this list...

Having so much to do is my fault.  I could have done laundry yesterday, but I want as little left dirty when we leave as possible.  I also could just have 2 loads to wash if we hadn't eaten cookies in the bed after church yesterday.  (Hence, finding piles of crumbs when we went to sleep last night.)

Also, if we had any food in the house dinner would be simpler.  But, we haven't grocery shopped in 2 weeks to try to use up the hodge-podge of food in our house before leaving.  Devin keeps reminding me that we still have a can of beans, but I don't think I want that for dinner.  So, I am probably looking at a Panera night (it's in the same shopping center as Target/Petsmart).

Ideally, my list will be completely finished by 8 o'clock so that I can enjoy a little time on the couch with the last little bit of Cranberry Sierra Mist hiding in the fridge before going to bed at a decent time with fresh sheets.  But, it will probably be midnight while I obsessively scrub the grout in my bathroom.  I'll happily settle for somewhere in between, though.  If I don't write during our trip, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!

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