Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Happy Puppy...

Blue's favorite new part of the house is the rug that was left behind in the living room. We haven't replaced it with one of our own yet, but Blue doesn't know the difference. All he knows is that he now has a great place to chew on all his bones.

Of course, he got very confused when I lined them up for a picture, but he quickly got over it!


  1. Such a cute pup! by the way...if you ever get tired on having so much floss you can send some this way!! :)

  2. Lol... that is too funny! Boo's cupboard might be over flowing with treats, but I have NEVER seen a dog with so many bones! Love ya and can't wait to see you! :D

  3. I love the picture of Blue. He is one spoiled boy! My favorite thing is that he has mostly guide dog approved toys. Hehehe. Some things never change. :)

    Poor Kyle...he only has four bones.
