Saturday, June 5, 2010

4 Day Weekend

Last weekend, I was able to take Friday off of work. By combining this with the Memorial Day holiday, I received a much needed, extended break from work. Devin and I made the most of all each day. With Devin having just finished his first year of medical school, it was nice to have so much time together.

On Friday, Devin, Blue, and I went on an 8 mile hike at Mistletoe State Park. It was such a beautiful day, but Blue got a little warm at some points. The trail ran along a stream or a river almost the whole way, and about an hour in, he decided to try walking in it to cool off. He seemed very happy just to get the cold water on his feet.

However, it didn't take long for him to find an area deep enough to cool his entire body off.

The trail and the park were absolutely beautiful. If anyone is looking for a great place to go hiking, backpacking, or camping, I would definitely reccommed the park. Most of it is really old forest. But, at one point it was very young, and the trail opened up. The whole time, the trail smelled amazing, but here at the young part, the pine trees were almost overwhelming. I loved it!

Later on, when we reached a wide entry into the main river, he spent ten minutes just swimming in circles. He seemed to be happiest when he was as wet as possible.

Devin and I wished we had thought to bring our bathing suits as we also were very warm.

Because we weren't able to get in the river there, we decided the next day to head down to the canal. We got a nice 5 mile round trip walk with a lot of time in the water in between. Blue loved being in the water with us. And, Devin taught me how to skip rocks!

On Sunday, we had a nice, lazy day at home. There was an amazing thunderstorm, too! On Moday, we celebrated the holiday with a barbeque. We invited friends over to help us enjoy ribs, steaks (filet mignon was hugely on sale!), baked beans, German potato salad, grilled corn on the cob, watermelon. limeade, and berry cheesecake tarts. It was an amazing feast that I forgot to capture on camera. Overall, I couldn't have asked for a better weekend!

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