Thursday, December 12, 2013

101 Update

The Challenge: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. 

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

Items in blue are completed; green items are a work in progress.  My full list is here!

1.  Learn to play 20 useful songs (hymns, carols, children's songs) on the piano.  I'm working on a few Christmas carols right now, but honestly, I probably won't have any of them mastered this year.

4.  Cook an entire holiday meal.  Devin and I made a full Thanksgiving dinner!  We had over three residents who weren't able to go home to their families.  Devin's mom also came up and helped with Calvin while we cooked.  On the menu: a 15 pound turkey, cranberry cornbread croissant stuffing, butternut squash wontons, lemon almond green beans, sweet potato casserole, fancy cornbread muffins, bacon cheddar croquettes, gravy, pumpkin pie, and pecan pie.

5.  Organize the garage.  This is definitely a work in progress, but we are getting there!

12.  Cook spaghetti squash.  I think this was the first goal I checked off.  Honestly, it was just okay.  I liked the flavor of everything I did to it (lemon garlic sauce), but I would have liked pasta just as much or more.

19.  Paint the guest bedroom.  The room is now a very nice shade of pale blue to compliment the planet border left behind.  We decided this should stay for when this becomes Calvin's room.

39.  Put together 72 hour emergency kits for our family.  I have a whole shopping plan and list laid out, and I have been picking up an item or two every week depending on what I see on sale.

43.  Learn to index for FamilySearch.  I've done almost 250 names since learning how in October!

46.  Sew curtains for the whole house.  Both upstairs bedrooms were finished just before Thanksgiving.  The others still need to happen, though.

67.  Take Calvin to the Georgia Aquarium. We did this on our trip to Georgia!

79.  Take Calvin to the zoo. Check and check!

91.  Consolidate our bank accounts.  This is almost done, and I'll be very happy when it is!

92.  Figure out a good calendar system for our family.  I bought a family wall calendar as a Christmas present for us, so we'll be trying it out in January.

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