Wednesday, November 13, 2013


After much anticipation, Calvin and I finally had a chance to fly to see my parents for the first time since January!  I feel bad complaining that I'm only seeing them twice in one year, but I really do wish it happened more often.

I was very nervous about the trip and read about a thousand suggestions on how to make it easier.  The best thing I found after all was said and done was Calvin's backpack.  Not only was it adorable, but it gave him ownership of his possessions, freed up a little space in my carry on, and kept his stuff altogether.  He loved picking snacks out of the front pocket.  It was mostly clipped to my rolling suitcase, but he did wear it a little bit.

On the way there, he actually ended up with his own seat on both flights despite being a lap child.  This was wonderful!  American Airlines actually blocked off a seat for him and said they'd fill it very last.  Of the four airlines I've used since having him, they have by far been the most accommodating.  Unfortunately, even with his own seat the planes were just too exciting and busy a place to take a nap.  He passed out in the van before we'd even left the airport parking lot.  Also, he learned to nap better in a seat other than the one he was right as the trip ended...go figure.

That evening, we kept it low key.  Right by my parents neighborhood is a park, so we headed over there with "Paw" (my dad) for some play time.

These two quickly bonded.  Calvin still asks about Paw pretty much every day.

On Saturday, my sister and I managed to pull of a surprise retirement party for my dad.  His official last day had been the day before I showed up, so I'm surprised he didn't expect it!

We spent several hours cooking and ended up with quite a feast: steak, shrimp, cauliflower macaroni, baked beans, cheese dip, veggies, bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers, cake, and ice cream.

We also made sure to get a picture of Dad with the grandkids who were there.  Of course, none of these boys wanted to sit still long enough for a picture, but we pulled off something half decent.

Calvin enjoyed the cousin time.  He and Logan were cute together despite the 18 month age difference.  It also helped that Logan had lots of fun toys to share.

On Monday, we started a stretch of sight seeing.  Monday we went to Colossal Cave Mountain Park.  We couldn't go into the cave, but the park was a lot of fun.

Paw and Calvin had a lot of fun with the horses.  We also spent time at the petting zoo.  Calvin loved pointing out all the animals and telling us the noises they make.

On Tuesday, we headed to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  Mom is a volunteer there, which made the trip more possible.  The Desert Museum is actually a living museum...kind of a museum/zoo hybrid.  Because of the rough terrain, they actually provide special strollers free of cost.  Calvin and Dad had a little too much fun with them.

My very favorite part was seeing the raptor show.  This owl was actually flying straight at me, and her wings brushed my head!  It was AMAZING!  Thankfully, my camera died, so I had to stop taking pictures and enjoy the show.

Calvin loved the fossil exhibit.  Here he is actually helping excavate "fossils" that are poured in concrete and put out for visitors to try.

On Wednesday, Dad and I headed off to hike in the Saguaro National Forest with Calvin.  I am always amazed at how foreign yet beautiful Arizona is when I'm there.

One of the trails we went on took us right past the oldest saguaro Dad has found so far.  It has roughly 20 arms--give or take a couple.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  It is massive and incredible!

Dad and I traded off with Calvin.  Calvin eventually fell asleep holding onto Dad's glasses strap.  He actually stayed asleep as he took the pack off and we switched him out to the car seat.  That was also amazing!

On the way back, Dad made sure we drove by a crested saguaro.  These are extremely rare, and this is actually a smaller one.  It's probably around 100 years old.  This National Forest has documented 25 of them.  Volunteers have worked to document the rest of the ones found in the surrounding areas outside the park.  This is the only area of the country where saguaros naturally grow.

Also of note, the hiking trip was the first time Calvin was front facing in his car seat to fit in the truck.  Dad folded down the middle of the front seat, so he was pretty excited to look out the windshield.  After a while, though, he got tired of his legs dangling and kept trying to prop them up.  So, that just gave us one more reason to keep him rear facing at home.

Our last day, we went to Kartchner Caverns State Park.  Again, we couldn't go in the cave, but there was still plenty to do.  Calvin had a lot of fun playing in the simulation tunnels.

I got in on the fun with him.  Seriously, we crawled through these four little tunnels for the better part of an hour.  I wish I could have brought them home with me!

While we were there, Calvin fell in love with Uncle Matt.  My brother is seriously amazing with little kids.  Calvin loved playing with him, and Matt even spoiled him with a couple new toys.  I tried to convince him that he needs to give up his job in a bagel shop to be a manny.  I'm not sure I sold him on it, though!

On our way to the airport, we realized that we didn't get a single picture of Calvin with both grandparents.  So, we took one right outside the entrance.  Of course, I have none of me with my mom, mom and Calvin together, Tanner and Calvin together, or Nicki with Calvin.  I know I have a lot of pictures in this post, but I should have had more!

Also, there are no pictures of our travels back home.  The trip was just shy of awful.  Both flights were packed, so Calvin was on my lap.  We had to reschedule our second leg because of problems with the airplane.  Calvin went an obscene number of hours without a nap.  In the end, we were walking out of the airport with Calvin sitting on my shoulders screaming.  We. Were. Done.  Thankfully, it was all better once we met Devin outside, and the trip was very much worth it.  But, I think I'm done flying for a while!

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