Monday, November 11, 2013

A Halloween Dragon

Because our little dragon was just so cute, we used every opportunity available to celebrate Halloween and make use of his costume.  Who doesn't love a puffy little dragon?

We started the celebration by going to Boo at the Zoo for the Roos at Tiger World.  Calvin loved running around and could have cared less about collecting candy.  We actually didn't even take a bucket for him and just stuck a few pieces in our pockets for ourselves when the volunteers insisted we take some.

We took the opportunity to take another picture at the Calvin plaque and actually got both Calvins in it this time!  Of course, we can't see either of their faces, but it's still cute.  Speaking of which, our Calvin won a prize for one of the cutest costumes.  That definitely made my night!

The day before Halloween, we attended Trunk or Treat at church.  Unfortunately, Devin was held up a couple hours at work, so he didn't make it.  But, Calvin and I had fun once he figured out what was going on.

He loved "helping" hand out candy.  This meant he mostly moved it from the bowel into his own bucket and didn't put it in anyone else's.  Calvin is certainly a clever kid!  After the biggest crowds died down, we went to a few cars for Calvin to get the experience.  He was shy at first but figured out that saying "peas" meant more candy in his bucket, and that broke his quiet spell!

Towards the end, he became mesmerized by a lollipop.  I eventually opened it and let him try it out.  If he could, he'd probably rank that in the top five experiences of his young life.

As per Devin and my agreement, Calvin got to wear his Halloween costume the whole day of Halloween.  So, I put off a couple errands to make the most of it.  We enjoyed returning books at the library for a while and playing with one of Calvin's friends (also in costume!) for a little while.  We also went to Target that morning.  We got lots of good comments there!

Later, Calvin "helped" me prep the pumpkin and then "helped" Devin carve it.  It was one of my favorite pumpkins so far!

This was all in the same manner he "helped" pass out candy.  Some help is much more helpful than others.  We also learned that we live in one of THE trick or treat neighborhoods in Kannapolis!  We went through about 20 pounds of candy before having to turn off our lights...SUCH a change from Augusta!  And, it really has us looking forward to next year!!


  1. He looks SO CUTE!!!!! I agree with you...he's so big...a true toddler now. So darling :) We miss your family so much here!!!

  2. Thank you! We miss the Augusta Ward too!! We're finding our way here, but we definitely miss having the roots we had there! We miss the Marshmans!!!
