Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

One of my very favorite things to do is watch my dogs sleep.  I know that sounds crazy, but they are seriously the most entertaining sleepers you will ever see.  Usually, when they are sleeping alone it's hilarious.

The positions they contort themselves into are pretty epic.  And, they frequently fall asleep in akward places, too.  I love it.

But, what I end up photographing most often are pictures of them sleeping together.  Recently, I was going through my phone and found waaaaay too many pictures of this sort.  Literally, I probably left out close to half of what I had from just the past few months.  So, without further ado, here are my favorite recent sleeping puppy photos--with a few classics thrown in the mix.


Aaannnd, Blogger wouldn't let me put them side by side, so I'm left with a really long post with over a dozen pictures, but they are all pretty adorable in my book.  At least I didn't write any commentary on them I suppose!

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