Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Faith Factor

For those of you who weren't there tonight, we had quite a fun time at FHE! I promised I'd make some of these pictures available, so here are some of the best recaps of the night. (I'm osrry I don't have ones of everyone, there were 60 some pictures on my camera alone!)

Here they are trying to sing "Called to Serve" with bubble gum in their mouth...

Barbara and Jamie are looking for the green gummy worm...

Nate just bravely downed a can of "Green Pea, Corn, & Rice" baby food...

They are trying to identify foods by smell, touch, or taste...

This is a battle to eat a bunch of saltines and then whistle "Jingle Bells" first...

Towards the end the competition got a little fierce...

And, Matt won the overall prize for his team by eating his whipped cream pie first!


  1. What a fun activity. I think we will have to steal the idea for my ward. :)

  2. Seriously one of the funnest nights ever!
