Tuesday, February 21, 2012

First Phone Dump

For Christmas, my brother got me a mini SD card.  I've been using my phone camera more and more now that I can actually store more than a handful of photos...I love it!  So, I figure it's time to share a few of my favorite random shots.

A few weekends ago, our Saturday morning plans fell through.  Since we were already out, we rushed to Chick-fil-a, only to arrive just past 10:30.  The manager was not only kind enough to have the kitchen make a couple extra biscuits when they'd already switched to lunch, but she also threw in free hash browns!  Then, we spent the day discussing buying our own franchise someday.

Moose loves to bury his head while sleeping.  Lately, he's gotten a little extreme with it.  A couple weeks ago,  he snuggled up while I was watching tv, giving me a little Moose bow-tie from his ears.  Seriously, my dogs are awesome.

I don't even remember quite how this morning happened.  My phone tells me it was another Saturday morning shot.  I'm pretty much in love with Saturday mornings these days, so it's no surprise to me that this photo was taken then.  I do know I've got the three cutest boys living with me though!

That same Saturday I was low on cocoa krispies and peanut butter cheerios.  Add them together?  Yes please!!

Most days the boys come with me to pick up Devin at the end of the day.  (We ride together; I get done earlier than him.)  I was so excited to finally snap this shot at a stoplight.  I'm still trying to get one of Moose's ears flapping in the wind, but I can only try that when I'm not the one driving!

I received a Valentine's package from my sister.  She may be the only one who remembers quite how much I loved smarties as a kid.  I could get a whole pile of them in a trade for one fun sized snickers bar.  I loved Halloween for this reason.

A couple weekends ago, Devin bought me just because flowers.  They came with a 7 day guarantee.  They are now on day 18 in our house, and still look just this pretty.  Needless to say, I did not get new flowers on Valentine's day!


  1. I just tried peanut butter cheerios! They are SO good!

  2. That picture of Devin with the dogs is cracking me up. They are holding so still...our dog (before he died) always scratched and wiggled...maybe it was because he was tired of being manhandled by toddlers.

    I like your Moose bowtie. ☺
