Thursday, December 15, 2011

Haircut Advice ASAP Please!!!

Okay, so several weeks ago I made an appointment for a haircut.  I'm past due for one, but haven't decided the direction I want to go with my hair these days.  I remembered how hard it was to get a slot booked in December (as in, it never happened for me), so I went ahead and called right after Thanksgiving.  I got the last available appointment which is tomorrow at 8:15 am.  I thought, "Great!  I have weeks to figure out what I want to do even if it's the most bizarre time of day for a hair cut ever."  It hasn't worked like that, though.  I've just put off figuring it out.  

So, I need your help friends!  I have three "ideas" of cuts I've liked in the past, and they are all pretty different (at least for me).  Which way should I go?  Please advise me!!

Option # 1 - Short and Trim
This haircut debuted right after running the half marathon this past March.  I'd let my hair really grow out because it was just easier to deal with while running.  I loved this change, and it was super fun for our cruise too!

Option #2 - Medium and Layered
I've worn my hair like this a lot.  It's probably the most common variation I've done with my hair for the past decade.  But, it generally works for me.  I really like it if I take the time to make the ends flip a little.  And, my hair is pretty much the perfect length to just have more layers cut into it.  Last Christmas, I had just planned on having it trimmed up, but it still looked alright without the trim...even if the pics are bad of my face.

Option #3 - Long and Loose (Bangs optional)
I was very much owning this style when Devin and I were dating and engaged.  I wore it through the wedding and honeymoon and then got it cut off just a couple weeks later.  It is by far THE EASIEST hairstyle to manage.  And, I miss it.  It will mean I have to commit to just a trim tomorrow, though, to hopefully grow my hair out over the next few months back to this style.  It would be great to have something this easy when the baby comes, though.  If I choose this one, though, do I go with or without bangs?  If yes to the bangs, should they be short like the first picture, or longer like the second one?  Or, can I pair bangs with one of the other cuts?

Okay, there is my long winded cry for help.  Thank you friends!


  1. I say take advantage of the hormones and go long! Your hair is so healthy and shiny so long hair looks really good.

  2. I agree with Ash. I say go long...with long bangs like in the very last picture. Bangs frame the eyes and I know that your big blue beautiful eyes would just POP with those. (Not that they don't pop know what I mean, I hope ☺)

    Maybe I just want you to have long bangs so that I can live vicariously through you. I love bangs but I can't wear them without them frizzing up on me.

    I'd ask Devin what his favorite look is, though. I always like to know that Mike likes my look.

  3. I just realized who, "Ash" is. I clicked over and was like, "Oh! I know her!"

  4. I vote for the long and easy haircut. That's what I'm aiming for right now too. That said, I don't like the bangs. I think you look better without them, but I might be in the minority. I'll be excited to see what you do. :)
