Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Just not the same...

This is what I miss about Autumn in the South...

Gratuitous leaf piles...

Throwing brothers into the pile...

Burying in the pile...

Swimming in the pile...

...and all the cool pictures that go with it.

Nine years ago my family arrived in WV in October.  The leaves were dizzying.  We had lived amongst coniferous trees and scrub brushes for the previous many autumns, and NOTHING could have been more exciting to us kids than 6 acres of grass and leaves to play in.  We were in love.

As we spent the next few days exploring, we quickly built a leaf pile that was bigger than we'd ever had before--though not quite as large as the brothers' up top--and played for hours.  Every autumn, I remember back to those magical first few days with a happy smile and a little nostalgia.

Thankfully, the leaves outside my office now are starting to change...but with no colorful pile it's just not the same.  I'm ready to get back to the country (or "out in the county" as Devin says) sooner rather than later!

1 comment:

  1. I so hear you on this post. We miss the leaves of Virginia so much. I have cute pictues of all of the boys playing in the leaves as toddlers...except for John...because he is our little Georgia born baby.

    I love the pictues ☺.
