Saturday, March 21, 2009

Little Boy Blue

One week ago, I had a sleepy, floppy-earred little puppy to bring home with me. He spent the majority of his time napping and loved spending time in his little bucket bed. At that point, he was given the name Blue for his beautiful eyes.

A few days later, his ears began to stand up, and he looked adorable. Also, he began to be more comfortable with his new enviornment. Blue has a pile of toys that he became inseperable from at this point.

Just a couple days ago, his ears stood up all the way!!! I think he looks so cute and goofy with his too-big ears! I can't get enough!

These pictures may also be the first time he has sat still in days. He loves to play and be active--night and day!

The newest challenge is to teach him to walk on a leash, because I need a running buddy, and he will certainly have enough energy to do it! Of course, he has also found a fire hydrant that he loves...

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