Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cousin Time

In the space of less than a year, Calvin and I managed to see almost all of the nieces and nephews on both sides.  This started with a trip to visit my parents last March where we spent time with my sister's two boys.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take any pictures of them together that trip.

Over the summer, all the Stephens cousins were together for the Fourth of July.  Calvin especially fell in love with Mary and Luke that visit and referred to Andy as "Baby Candy."

Mary was gracious enough to give Calvin lots of rides in the Jeep which won him over very quickly.

And, Luke took the time to find things he and Calvin could do together at the playground, which was very sweet.  This was especially true since Calvin was still a bit awkward and timid at barely two years old.

Later that month, Baby Charlotte came to visit with her parents for a weekend.  Calvin thought it was a lot of fun to try to teach her things but wasn't at all excited about sharing the tub with her.

Shortly thereafter, my sister came to visit with her two kids.  And, my Dad surprised us by showing up for two days of the visit as well!

Calvin loved showing his barely younger than him cousin all of his favorite things around here.

And, having an almost one year old cousin trying to keep up with him was pretty fun for Calvin as well.

In October, we had all the Stephens cousins together again, and this time Clark was around for it, too!

Lastly, I was finally able to meet my sister's son Sam at the beginning of March just a couple of weeks before his first birthday.  This would have made for seeing all of the nieces and nephews in one year, but my older sister had her third child just hours before Sam got here.  We had a lot of fun with Sam, though!

Now, it's time to start another year with lots of cousin time!

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