Friday, September 13, 2013

101 in 1001

A couple years ago, I started seeing blogs popping up with people completing the Day Zero challenge.  It seemed like a neat idea, but wasn't something for me at the time.  In the back of my mind, I thought it would be great to line it up to complete by my 30th birthday.  After coming across it again about a month ago, I realized that the timing was perfect.  I turn 30 exactly 1001 days from today.  I plan to post updates on my progress over the time.  I am very excited about all of these things, so here is to an amazing 1001 days full of lots of things to enjoy!

The Challenge: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. 

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

Items in blue are completed; green items are a work in progress.

1.  Learn to play 20 useful songs (hymns, carols, children's songs) on the piano.
2.  Go apple picking.
3.  Make play dough with Calvin.
4.  Cook an entire holiday meal.
5.  Organize the garage.
6.  Grow a salad.
7.  Sew a quilt.
8.  Replace all gold light fixtures in our home.
9.  Make a wreath and hang it up.
10.  Chop our own Christmas tree.
11.  Read every Ensign cover to cover by the end of the month for a year.
12.  Cook spaghetti squash.
13.  Make a menu plan and stick to it for a month.
14.  Read a book in Braille.
15.  Go star gazing.
16.  Make (and print!) a family photo book.
17.  Attend a football game.
18.  Go to a concert.
19.  Paint the guest bedroom.
20.  Learn to make crock pot desserts.
21.  Go camping with Calvin.
22.  Make a pumpkin pie completely from scratch.
23.  Make homemade caramels.
24.  Make a busy book.
25.  Sew Christmas puppets.
26.  Fill my empty frames and hang them.
27.  Find a better way to organize all our important paperwork.
28.  Make something to decorate my walls.
29.  Go on a picnic
30.  Make a toy with Calvin.
31.  Find/make a nativity set.
32.  Decorate Calvin's light switch plate.
33.  Run a race 10k or longer.
34.  Read the whole Book of Mormon with Calvin.
35.  Make and send 20 homemade cards.
36.  Have a family photo taken and hang it up.
37.  Find/make a good bookshelf for Calvin's books.
38.  Plant, grow, and use at least 3 herbs.
39.  Put together 72 hour emergency kits for our family.
40.  Figure out how to make use of our back patio,
41.  Have all clean clothes put away before bed for a month straight.
42.  Sew a cover for the foof chair.
43.  Learn to index for FamilySearch.
44.  Teach Calvin to bake and share the goodies.
45.  Hang a ceiling fan in Calvin's room.
46.  Sew curtains for the whole house.
47.  Make Christmas stockings.
48.  Find a new dentist for Devin and me.
49.  Read 5 classic novels.
50.  Find good nachos near us.
51.  Read the entire Bible cover to cover.
52.  Blog at least twice a month for a year.
53.  Prepare a whole chicken.
54.  Get a new computer desk.
55.  Brush both dogs at least once a week for the whole summer.
56.  Do temple work for at least 5 ancestors.
57.  Take a real family vacation.
58.  Do something special to celebrate Devin.
59.  Decorate a big boy room for Calvin.
60.  Back up our computers.
61.  Update/replace Devin's and my dressers.
62.  Make apple butter.
63.  Find an exercise video I like and use it.
64.  Visit Helen, GA.
65.  Hold a 10 minute conversation in German.
66.  Give up a guilty pleasure.
67.  Take Calvin to the Georgia Aquarium.
68.  Paint sugar cookies with Calvin.
69.  Write 5 letters to give/open in the future.
70.  Decorate a fun cake.
71.  Go a full weekend without being bossy even once.
72.  Frame a Calvin and Hobbes comic strip.
73.  Go to a baseball game.
74.  Leave a 100% tip.
75.  Update the background on my blog.
76.  Compile a photo album.
77.  Visit Kings Mountain National Military Park.
78.  Decorate for a holiday other than Christmas.
79.  Take Calvin to the zoo.
80.  Can a food.
81.  Get a new camera.
82.  Journal every day for a month.
83.  Throw a party.
84.  Try 5 new fruits/vegetables.
85.  Leave a surprise on at least 3 doorsteps.
86.  Visit Andersonville, GA.
87.  Decorate the bonus room.
88.  Learn to make pastries.
89.  Create and share a profile.
90.  Give 5 home sewn gifts.
91.  Consolidate our bank accounts.
92.  Figure out a good calendar system for our family.
93.  Shop at a consignment store.
94.  Make homemade applesauce.
95.  Buy a pair of jeans I love.
96.  Play in the rain.
97.  Deep clean our carpets.
98.  Replace Devin's car.
99.  Sing in a choir.
100.  Plan a big end of residency celebration.
101.  Have a collection of 200 children's books.

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