Friday, May 10, 2013

Dr. Stephens

Just over five years ago, I met Devin.  During our first conversation, he told me he was "trying to get into med school."  I put the quotation marks around the phrase because I'd known so many people who were "trying to get into med school" before.  They were usually pre-biology majors who changed their minds within a couple semesters.  

Within a short time, I learned that Devin was legitimately trying.  He took his MCAT less than two weeks after that conversation.  He was submitting applications and secondaries and setting up interviews all while finishing his last semester of undergrad--with a major in astrophysics.  

Of course, he also made lots of time for me.  It was a pretty amazing time.  He proposed two days before graduation.  It was perfect and wonderful.  At that point, medical school suddenly became a part of my future, too.  We spent another few months interviewing together (I toured apartments and scoped the town) alongside planning our wedding.  Looking back at that time, it feels like we were just babies.  We were so, so young and naive, but I wouldn't change it.

Once we arrived in Augusta, there were many good times.  But, there were tests and test weeks and tests that didn't so great and tests that went better and then more tests and giant board tests, too.  For two years our lives revolved around a test schedule.  Then came rotations and call and overnight call and weekend shifts and of course, even more tests...and more boards.

Outside of all that, though, we were growing up and growing together and also growing our family.  We got another dog, had a baby, and bought a house.  A new car came along and new jobs and new hobbies.  Devin turned cooking into an outlet, and then we turned it into an art together.  We made time to laugh and dance and sing.  There were hiking trips and camping trips and trips out of town.  Now, we are about to take a more permanent trip out of town.

Just last week, we celebrated our fourth anniversary.  Yesterday, we celebrated Devin becoming a Doctor.  While it's not always been easy, this has been a wonderful, perfect four years.  Happy (belated) Anniversary, Dr. Stephens.  Love.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE! Y'all are ADORABLE, and Nick and I are both sad that it took waiting til the last year of med school to really get to know you two well. Nick said to me a few weeks ago, "Man. Devin and I could be really good friends. It's a shame we're all moving away from each other so soon." I concur. Congrats again on your journey. Looking forward to updates and staying in touch. Hugs.
