Monday, January 14, 2013

Seven Months Old

I can't believe that we are here already!  I planned to do a six month blog post for Calvin, but time got away from me.  So, to celebrate him turning seven months today, I'll share a little about what is going on in his life.

Of course, I just have to show you that we did get a good six month picture.  It would have graced the top of the post a month ago...had I written it.

Little Man has graduated to a big boy carseat.  He will still be rear facing for a while, but our bucket seat days with him are done.  He had a couple inches and a few pounds left on his old seat, but he just didn't seem comfortable.  Now, he is much happier these days.

His six month doctor's visit went well.  This was the first time they had us put a gown on him instead of just leaving him in a diaper.  He's still topping the growth charts in height and weight and handled his shots like a pro.  We're so fortunate that he continues to be such a happy, healthy little boy.

Calvin started eating solids, too!  We made purees for a while (and still use them some), but he prefers anything he can feed himself.  As an alternative, he might accept something coming straight from our plates.  Fruits are preferred over veggies as a general rule, too.

Calvin is the proud owner of two little teeth!  Both of them broke through during December.  He's got a few more in the works right now, but they aren't bothering him nearly as much as those first couple.  I love watching and hearing him bite foods with those teeth.

Calvin's got a couple "words" he is using now.  He regularly says "dada," occasionally says "mama," and will sometimes say "hey" back to us.  (He was using "hey" a lot more before "dada" and "mama" came along.)  In addition to these, he is babbling constantly and trying many different sounds.

Also, Calvin is crawling!  He's not going very far very fast, but this just started a few days ago.  He's pretty excited about being able to get to things he wants.  He's also figured out how to push up onto his hands and feet and has almost figured out how to go from hands and knees to sitting.

I am constantly grateful that I have such a wonderful, happy, beautiful baby boy.  His little life seems to be moving so quickly, but I love him more and more each day.  So frequently I've wanted to freeze time with him, but I'm glad I never succeeded.


  1. I can't get over what a handsome little man he is! These pics are precious.

  2. He is such a handsome little man!! The pictures capture how happy he is! Sweet little joy boy.

  3. He's handsome and already so accomplished! I love all the rolls!
