Sunday, August 19, 2012

Two Months

So, I'm a few days behind (and actually wasn't even sure if I was going to do this post), but I suppose we'll go with the old "better late than never" adage.  Calvin is now over two months!!

The day after Calvin hit his one month milestone, he had his baby blessing at church.  This was pretty neat for Devin as it was his birthday, too!

It's pretty fun to look back at these pictures and see how much he has grown and changed over the month.  He's now completely in size 3-6 month clothes and size two diapers.  At the start of the month, he was wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes and size one diapers.  I've been a little nostalgic packing up the tiny baby items he's outgrown, but thankfully he's been showered with adorable clothes in his current size.  And, he's all grown out of the gender neutral clothes from his early days!

This past month we've been able to enjoy having Devin home a lot more, too. Granted, he is getting ready for his boards, but it's been nice for him to get to spend his study breaks with us.  He's solidifying his position as the fun parent as those gaps turn into playtime.  Also, he does some pretty awesome voices for all the washcloth puppets at bath time.

It's been pretty fun to watch the physical milestones over the past month.  Calvin has been sitting in his Bumbo seat for a couple weeks now quite well.  He pushes up on his arms during tummy time and loves to stand up as much as possible.  He gets so excited to be upright, too.  Also, he'll turn his head to try and find us or follow us out of the room.  He's also started chewing on his fists to self soothe and gets pretty excited if he manages to get his thumb.

And oh my goodness, Calvin is making so many more sounds!  He's constantly coos and "talks" to us.  Mostly, it's a lot of "ah-goo" and "ooo" and a little bit of "guk" going on.  He also seems to by trying really hard to laugh and making the most noise when he's excited.

Speaking of which, Calvin is probably one of the happiest babies ever.  He's spends soo much time smiling and just lights up to see a familiar face.  I love the times that I peek over the edge of his bassinet to see if he's awake and get greeted with smiles, coos, and excited kicks.  He's seriously a delicious ball of sunshine.

Calvin had his two month appointment at two months exactly.  He weighed in at the top of the growth chart for breastfed babies.  He's also near the top as far as length goes.  He received 6 vaccines total, but thanks to combo shots and one oral inoculation, he only received 3 shots.  He only cried a little with them, too.  However, he had some pretty gross diapers the next day and ran a low grade fever as well.

Two months old is a lot more fun than I ever expected it to be.  Mostly, I think I just didn't know what to expect.  I love that I get to spend so much time with my little man, and can't imagine life any other way.  If two months has surprised me this much, how awesome is each of the next months going to be?  I'm so excited to find out!

1 comment:

  1. He is just darling!!

    I love all the pictures...especially the smiling one! So scrumptious!
