Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Playing the Waiting Game...

I am NOT a patient person.  When my older sisters tried to teach me to sew at the age of 5, I decided the needle and thread were taking too long to outfit my Barbie.  Out came the Elmer's glue, and within mere seconds she was outfitted with the beautiful peach rose fabric I'd fallen in love with.  My problem was solved!

Now, though, I'm in a whole new waiting game.  This baby is mere days away from a grand appearance, and I'm ready.  I mean, the days from now til then can likely be counted one one hand if not two and definitely can be counted if my toes are used as well.  The room is ready.  The shopping is done.  The bag is packed.  We've been driving an empty car seat around for five days now.  Let's do this!

On top of everything else, I've moved on from Braxton Hicks to real contractions.  For over a week, they've been very present.  For five days, we've been able to time them at regular intervals.  The pop up in my dreams or wake me from my sleep at times.  People have noticed the change in my belly as it happens, too.  It's making it very difficult to think about anything else right now.  However, there's very little I can do to make things go any faster.  Come on Baby, we're ready for you!


  1. Becky, those pictures are LOVELY! I love them!

    Yeah...I hated feeling like a ticking time bomb. We are out of town on vacation (in Virginia) right now...if I were a bettin' girl I'd say your sweet little one will have arrived by the time we return. I am so excited for you and Devin!

  2. Thank you Lauren! And, I really, really hope you are right! I'm so excited to meet this kid I can hardly stand it!!

  3. Your pictures are so beautiful--you didn't get the whole "be completely bloated" thing--way to go! I'm so excited for you!
