Friday, July 22, 2011

Flight Confusion

Next week, I am flying out west to see my sister get married.  Flying has never been scary for me, and often was a fun adventure.  At ages five and seven, my younger sister and I thought it was the best adventure EVER.  When we were 14 and 15, we crossed the country on our own (with layovers!) just a few months post 9/11.  Being the savvy girls we were, we loaded up two bags a piece and carried them on the plane...hairspray bottle and all.  During college, I was flying a lot more regularly.  By then, there were rules on ounces of liquids and quart sized bags and something about nail files and limits on the size/number of bags you brought along.  I decided I had better check some guidelines before making my packing list.

First, Delta was pretty straightforward on their limits, even if the did seem a bit odd.  I can carry on one bag that is no bigger than 22" x 14" x 9" as long as height + length + width is no greater than 45 inches.  Aren't those the same exact thing?  Anyhow, in addition to that, I can bring one purse, laptop case, or briefcase and all the duty free food or drink I want...easy enough.  They'll also let me bring a jacket.

Now, the TSA is where things got confusing.  I started to scan the really, really long list of items with any notes to see what was allowed.  Mostly, I wanted to know if I could bring a razor for my legs and a nail file and get the latest scoop on the liquids.  So far, I've learned that I can't bring dynamite, billy clubs, stun guns, hand grenades, or throwing stars with me.  Hatchets, cattle prods, ice picks, and meat cleavers are also a no.  Razors, however, are so muddled in ambiguous language that I still haven't figured it out, and nail files are in neither the "yes" or the "no" column.  I mean, I never thought it would be okay to bring my favorite billy club, but I really don't know about the nail file!  Sigh.  Maybe I'll go find an emory board and buy a razor when I get there.  As for liquids, it's about the only thing the TSA was clear about.  While I'm certainly okay with taking off my shoes, walking through the scanners, and leaving behind prohibited items, I just wish I could get a better explanation on the rules to not mess it up.  Sigh (again).  Has anyone flown recently who actually might know the rules?  I'm planning to mostly get everything ready/packed this weekend!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Itching to Play

Max has been a very itchy dog lately.  As in, he's so itchy that he woke me up at 5:30 this morning, and I couldn't fall back asleep. (See also: beagle being given a nightly benedryl that he sometimes cheeks...)  Anyhow, he's been pretty irritated by all of this and is constantly finding a place to roll around and get a good scratch.  Hence, the funny pose you see here.

Thankfully, this isn't interfering with his sweet disposition and his love to play.  He's still getting rough with Blue...he just needs to stop for a scratch every once in a while, as evidenced by the very adorable video I wanted to load here.  However, blogger had some issues with it, so you'll just have to imagine it.

Of course, in the end Blue is still coming out the winner.  He's also been having some itchy skin (his belly was also bright pick yesterday), but it's been nothing compared to the Moose.  And, he's a little better a swallowing his occasional pill, too.

I know beagles are prone to skin allergies and are pretty naturally itchy.  And, I've seen a few mosquito bites on Max as well.  However, I want to do something to help him feel better.  He's already on a high quality, grain free food with omega fatty acids.  The benedryl helps, but we only give it to him at night because it makes him loopy.  Plus, I don't see that as a permanent solution.  I'm really worried that he's going to develop a hot spot if we don't do something soon.  I can't even stop himself from chewing at the itches with bitter yuck!  So, does anyone have a miracle solution for itchy dogs?  I'd love a suggestion for a great, soothing shampoo or a wonderful oatmeal rub...if these truly work.  Please share your advice!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

On to Better Things...

Remember when I wrote about Mo's retirement?  Well, he has been able to spend the last month and a half with a great view under a pretty tree outside my in-laws' home.  However, today he headed off to what lies ahead.  My very sweet mother-in-law (who knows of my emotional attachment to my Mo), was so thoughtful in sending me a picture just before he headed off.

After receiving the picture text, I forwarded it on to a couple other people, because I loved it so much!  My sister (who also names her cars!) responded, and we had the most awesome text chat.

Kass: They killed Mo!
Becky:  What? He's sold to an auto auction, and someone will likely buy him for parts...he'll be an organ donor!!!  (Side Note: This is how Devin helped me feel better about it all.)
K:  Oh good! I thought he was going to be smashed!
B:  No!!!! No smashing for my Mo!!! I was ready to accept a lower price from another parts (instead of a scrap yard) place just so he wouldn't be smashed. Although, he probably will be smashed in the end after being gutted...
B:  I just like to think he'll be melted down and go to something really building a new navy ship!
K:  Ooooh! Or maybe he can be used to build a special needs playground or a playground in an inner city! :D
B:  Or a cruise ship! Or a tractor! Maybe an airplane or a children's hospital!!
B:  I think he'd make an awesome stealth fighter plane!!
K:  Or several awesome prosthetics or shiny wheel chairs! :)
K:  Maybe part of a shelter or a library!
B:  A new school or a much needed well!
K:  Oh definitely!  Or imagine the awesome statue he could be in a city park or town square! :)
B:  A roller coaster!!!
K:  That's the winner!!!!!!! :D
B:  Looooove it!! He really does get to be reincarnated!!!
K:  Gotta run to my hair appt. Love you! :)
B:  Love you too sis!!

So, we may not have picked the most altruistic of all the options, but the point of this is that my car is on to bigger and better things.  After all his spare parts go to help other cars in need, the rest of him will hopefully go to making some lives happier and/or better!  Goodbye Mo!  We've had a great run.  I hope your next life is just as good as this one...if not better!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Birthday My Babe!!!

I seriously think I'm the luckiest person in the world to have him in my life.  He is the sweetest, funniest, smartest person I know.  Where I am impulsive, he thinks before he acts/speaks.  Where I make emotional decisions, he helps me think logically.  When I try to be a bossy perfectionist, he helps me relax and go with the flow.  He is slow to judge, criticize, or shun others.  He makes me happy every single day.  I'm so, so grateful that I get to spend every day waking up to this face.  Happy birthday my Babe!!  I love you!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Finally, an Update

After looking back through my blog and trying to figure out where I needed to go back to in order to catch up on all I've missed, I found the perfect place: 2:26 pm on Tuesday, June 21.  This was the time that I received a text from my Babe reading, "Game set match."  I had not expected to hear from him for at least another half hour but managed to stifle a squeal before running out of my training to call him.  Step One was over, and I had my husband back!!  We definitely made the most of our time together over the next couple of weeks.

That night, I surprised him with a congrats you're done!-slash-you're starting rotations!-slash-happy birthday! gift that I'd had stashed for weeks...his very own Samsung Galaxy Tab!  Needless to say, this has been a lot of fun for both of us while also being sooo useful for Devin since starting in the hospital.  After going out to dinner to celebrate, we headed home to pack for our backpacking trip that we were leaving on the next day...or so we thought.  A huge storm had decided to move in, and after much debate, we realized that the trip with our pups would not be feasible.  I cried...and cried, and cried, and cried.  Our escape from Augusta as a little foursome had been at the forefront of my mind for weeks.  I'd planned, shopped, and prepped.  My wonderful husband immediately pulled up the internet (on his new tablet!!) and began looking at other options to calm me down.  We explored many when all of a sudden he asked, "why don't we just go visit your family?"  I loved the idea!

Wednesday, we headed up to WV with the boys and fought Max's carsickness for a drive that ended up taking waaaay longer than it should have.  Thanks to some benedryl, we finally got him passed out in the back seat with his duck (and snuggled up to Blue!!) and got there in time to enjoy a nice sit and chat out on the back patio before bed.

We spent Thursday exploring Blennerhassett Island.  It was such a neat historical place near my parents.  We took a covered wagon tour and did some exploring on foot.  The ferry ride over was fun as well.  I loved talking with my mom and sister about girl stuff while Devin and my dad were able to discuss politics, health care, the justice system, and all sorts of other hot topics that interest them both.  Seriously though, the first time they met I barely saw either of them the whole trip because they were having too much fun together.

Friday we enjoyed a lazy morning before heading out to the shooting range with my Dad and bros.  Chaz had a new gun to try, Matt wanted to shoot skeet, and Tanner was willing to take turns with me using the little .22 rifle...we all won.  Besides, I realized once we got the that Devin looked pretty sexy holding a gun.

We arrived back in Augusta on Saturday and began a week of house sitting for a physician on Sunday.  Thus, the following week was spent swimming, running in a beautiful, huge gated community and enjoying quality time with the pups.  Blue loved to swim with us, but we forgot to take even one single picture or video.  Max loved to roll in the puddles Blue made when he shook off after getting out of the pool.  Both loved playing with Sadie, the dog we were watching.  While we were there, we celebrated my birthday with some friends, some barbeque, and a Cold Stone cake.  And, I got the Garmin 405cx I've been wanting for a loooong time from my sweet husband!

July 3rd we returned to our home and had Devin's mom stay with us that evening.  She made us some good peach cobbler Sunday night and took us out to Cracker Barrel Monday for lunch.  We felt spoiled.  Now, we are settling into the routine of rotations and looking forward to the Step One results coming back in...possibly tomorrow!!  Oh, and I'm cooking...almost every day!  I may actually start to share some ideas/recipes on here...maybe. After almost two years of my husband doing most of the heavy lifting in the kitchen, it's my turn again!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011


So, I'm apparently headed down that slippery slope again of not posting as much as I would like to...oops!  I thought that with Devin starting rotations last week I would have a lot more free time (with him gone) where I could update all about what happened the end of June and maybe share a little about his first week.  However, that's not what happened at all.  With him gone, I now realize just how much he did around the house and love him even more for it.  I'm now cooking, doing dishes, packing lunches, taking care of the dogs, and keeping the house generally clean in his absence.  All this pretty much uses up any "free time" I thought I would get between our arrivals home.  While I don't mind doing it, I have come to realize the big shift it's created in both our lives.  I guess I was a little naive thinking that my life wouldn't change all that much with him starting rotations.  Anyhow, the weekend that otherwise may have been devoted to blogging was spent either with my husband, with the awesome book I just finished, or running errands.  Sorry not to post the updates, but I needed the down time...oops!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day One...

...of rotations that is!!  Devin spent his morning in orientations (followed by lunch with me!!) before getting to work in neurology.  He got his first sub-choice doing consults for neuro all over the hospital.  Both his "buddy" med student and the resident he is assigned to are very entertaining, likable guys.  And, he was already fed dinner on his first day!  So far, we know that Devin needs to be there no later than 7:30 in the morning, but he's not sure if he'll be doing anything on the weekends.  There is no call for these four weeks, and the time he gets done will vary from day to day.  I couldn't be happier.  My Babe is soooo very happy to be doing this, and I'm so excited for him!!  Plus, we are officially in the second half of med school with less time in front of us than is behind us...woohoo!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July from the four of us (times four)!!