Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Most Perfect Day Ever

Last Friday, I woke up very well rested and had my hair be completely cooperative.  I should have known then that things would only get better.  Little did I know...

Devin was told to take the afternoon off, and kick start his Spring Break.  I got a phone call to this effect sometime around lunch and quickly crammed an afternoon's worth of work into an hour so that I could leave, too!  We went out to lunch at Takosushi, one of our very favorite places.  We ate our favorite appetizer, I had a plate of Firecracker Shrimp, and Devin ordered a fully cooked sushi roll with his lunch special so that I could eat a piece of it.

After lunch, we went grocery shopping.  Believe it or not, this really is one of our favorite things to do.  We stocked up on foods to grill an amazing meal over the weekend along with the necessities for a couple other favorite dinners.  And, while walking past their floral section, Devin bought me "just because" flowers.  I'm getting pretty spoiled with these, but I love them!

On the way home, we stopped at a new little bakery near our house, Two Moms Cookies, and picked up a dozen and a half of their gigantic cookies.  They lasted us five days total, but I'm pretty sure that we both ate at least three that first day.  Our favorite was that Monster Cookie, which pretty much had some of everything you could imagine putting in a cookie.  If you're ever near Central during weekday business hours, you should probably stop in to try them!

After all this, we were still home before the time I usually would have gotten off work.  When I started to get drowsy, I realized there was no reason to fight a nap.  Devin spoiled me with a back massage first, filled my water bottle and put it nearby, and turned down the air conditioner so that I would be more comfortable.  (We are usually pretty stingy about spending money to cool or heat our house.)  The past few months I've not napped a lot, but this one was pretty darn pleasant.

When I woke up, we took the boys to the dog park.  It's almost addictive to watch them have so much fun.  On a very frequent basis we discuss how they are pretty much the best entertainment we could ever have.  Friday they filled that role quite nicely.

That evening, we didn't do anything too out of the ordinary.  We watched some Netflix.  We ate some cookies.  We sat on the porch for a while and talked.  It was wonderful.  I love realizing that sometimes the perfect day comes from lots of little things falling into place just like you want instead of just having something really big work out right.  Maybe I'm easy to please, but I would definitely be happy with many, many more days like this one!


  1. those cookies look amazing! sounds like a pretty fantastic day to me!: )

  2. I think you are easily pleased:). If you typed "best day ever" and looked at how many blog posts you've written with that title, you may chalk yourself up as a pervasive ray of sunshine. I love that you are happy and spoiled by your sweetheart!
